
Shirsasana Headstand

Shirsasana – Headstand Description Shirsasana aka Sirsanana – Headstand. ‘Sirsa’ meaning head and ‘asana’ meaning pose in sanskrit. In a headstand, the body is completely inverted while the crown of the head is gently resting on the ground. Headstand is also nicknamed the ‘King of all yoga poses’. Maintaining nice, stacked alignment in all our…

Pincha Mayurasana Forearm Stand

Pincha Mayurasana Forearm Stand

Pincha Mayurasana Description Pincha Mayurasana – Forearm Stand ‘Pincha’ translates to ‘feathered’ & ‘Mayur’ into ‘peacock’. Forearm stands greatly challenge the stability of the shoulders because we are balancing our whole body ontop of the forearms & elbows while creating alignment from the forearms and elbow through the upper arm, shoulder, hips and legs. This…